September is National Preparedness Month; taxpayers should prepare for natural disasters

WASHINGTON — With the peak of hurricane season arriving and an elevated wildfire risk across much of the West, the Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers to develop an emergency preparedness plan or, if they already have one, to update it for 2024. September is National Preparedness Month. Taxpayers can begin getting ready for a disaster…


Energy efficient home improvements could help people reduce energy bills and taxes

Homeowners who make improvements like replacing old doors and windows, installing solar panels or upgrading a hot water heater may qualify for home energy tax credits. Who can claim the credits Taxpayers making improvements to their principal, or in some cases, secondary residence may be eligible for these credits. In some cases, renters may also be…


Cutting Costs: Tips for Reducing Monthly Expenses

In the ever-evolving economic landscape, finding ways to minimize monthly expenses is more than a mere attempt at frugality; it’s a necessity for financial survival and comfort. This guide will explore unique and effective strategies for reducing your monthly outlay, striking a balance between maintaining a quality life and ensuring your bank account remains healthy. Refine Your Utility Usage Utilities…

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